Philosophy, Mythology, and Meaning in Plato's Gorgias: A Deep Dive into Ancient Wisdom with 60 Second Philosophy

Listening to Mythos & Logos, on DantePodcasts!

Published: Mar 9th, 2023

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An in-depth podcast conversation exploring philosophy, mythology, rhetoric, justice, the Ancient Greek afterlife, and more! Plato's Gorgias is not one of his most famous dialogues, but is one of the most mysterious and thought-provoking, as Socrates discusses virtue with some of Classical Athens' most prolific thinkers. The dialogue ends with a fantastic account of the last judgement, in which Socrates ponders the nature of the eternal soul.

So, naturally, it took a philosopher and a mythographer teaming up to discuss it! I am pleased to be joined by Matt of 60-Second Philosophy as we go deep into the ancient text.

Mythos & Logos are two ancient words that can be roughly translated as “Story & Meaning.”

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The purpose of this channel is to share the important stories at the foundation of human cultures throughout history. These include mythology, legends, folktales, religious stories, and parables from the dawn of history to the modern day. This channel provides interpretations and insight into these stories, to find and apply their meaning to contemporary life. All stories covered are treated academically. This channel makes no claims regarding the historical, scientific, or religious truth of these tales. Rather, its goal is to find the meanings understood by their authors and apply them to the modern world.


Learn. Grow. Together.

60 Second Philosophy is a series of short, interrelated videos designed to teach you big ideas in a small amount of time! We watch year after year of college students go through introduction to philosophy courses and come out confused and disenchanted.  This is largely because professors rarely teach the subject with any life or vigor, even more rarely do they show philosophy as a study which is applicable to life.  We believe that philosophy is an integral part of our world, and that  the study of philosophy is incredibly useful in daily life. Our approach is to offer information in short, accessible videos which allow viewers to only learn about that which interests them. These videos create paths which viewers can easily follow and, if they choose, cover vast tracts of the western philosophical tradition in a very short time.

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