Morning post: Thomas Aquinas' definitions of Superbia as distorted reality and assessement of your own place in Reality. |
Today we'll look at the last tercets from Cacciaguida in Canto 17 of Paradiso - where he tells the Pilgrim why he should write honestly with famous and reputable people in the Comedy, to have a fuller impact of Virtue, and to give examples people can relate to and might learn from. |
Today we'll look at the moment where Dante is for the first time directly mentioning the Comedy and his hesitations with writing it all fully and honestly, in Truth and Virtue. As it will be "bitter" reading for many people in his own time. (Starts at 2:15). |
Today we'll briefly look at some due diligence on NVDA's finances in the last few quarters, and expectations to the Earnings Report released later today. |
Today we'll look at a "turning point" in the very center/heart of Paradiso, when Dante finds a refuge with the ruling Scala family in Verona, and meets the young prince Cangrande della Scala, who is strongly imprinted with the spirit of Mars: with Virtue, and with Courage. (Starts at 1:20). |
Today we'll look at how Cacciaguida is telling the Pilgrim about his near future, unfolding from the year 1300. He starts with the first events of the "arrow" of exile, the problematic years in Arezzo, and then finding a safe haven with the Scala family in Verona in 1303. |
Another Weekend Bonus episode! |
Today we'll look at the first four tercets in Canto 17 in Paradiso, the very center of the Paradiso. And here we are tip-toeing around a central question for the Pilgrim: what does my future behold? |
Good afternoon! |
Today we'll look at some highlights from Cacciaguida's speech about the contrast between old and current Florence for Dante, and how the sudden growth from 6,000 to 30,000 citizens changed the fabric of the culture and society, and in many ways the moral fabric as well. |
Today we'll look at five more tercets in Canto 16, where Cacciaguida starts telling about his life and origins in more detail from old Florence. (Starts at 1:10.) |
Today we'll look at the "new words" from the Pilgrim to Cacciaguida, in a more elevated and lofty, but also joyful and delightful tone. (Starts at 2:10) |
Today we'll start a new canto in Paradiso, Canto 16 - where Dante is both being humble and prideful at the same time, with his tercets about the little "noble blood" that he and Cacciaguida shared. Even as he says, that this should should not be an element of the spiritual life. |
Morning! Today we'll have another snapshot review of the investments three weeks in (overall up 2%; combined crypto, stocks and index funds). |
Today we'll look at the ending of Canto 15 in Paradiso, with a very brief overview of Cacciaguida's life, and why his blessed soul is now in the Sphere of Mars. |
Today we'll look at a few more tercet about the more virtuous old roots of Florence in the 11 hundreds, and also look at how history often moves in cycles or as a pendulum over centuries - between healthy and happy and constructive habits and values, towards decay and destructive values, before it... Wed, Feb 7th 2024 9am |
Morning! Today we'll look at our ongoing exchange with Prof. Fr. Barzaghi in Bologna, and the importance of recognizing the bigger shaping forces beyond humanity - something the early humanists likely made a mistake in dismissing, longer term. |
Good morning! |
Today we're looking at the first of two email responses this week, about the mysterious third circle of lights/subsistences at the end of the Sun. Professor in Theology and Philosophy and Dominican Priest Giuseppe Barzaghi shares his thoughts. |
Today we'll look at the first words of the Pilgrim's Ancestry and Lineage in Canto 15 in Paradiso, in Latin, and the effect this has on his soul and spiritual life. (From 2:10) |
Good morning! |
Today we're looking at the etymological root of "dic", which is connected to light and illumination, and a part of words like Divine, indicate, disciple, and "day"/di in latin languages. |
Good morning! |
Today we're looking at the last four tercets about the Sphere of the Sun, in Canto 14 in Paradiso. The arrival of the Angelic Beings as the Third Circle prompts an intensity and beauty in the Pilgrim's soul (here: Beatrice), which after a long series of insights and discoveries "translates" him... Sun, Jan 28th 2024 9am |
Good morning! |
Today we're taking a quick "snapshot" look at our first week with Investments in Stocks, Funds and Crypto - and sum up the experience. (Disclaimer: not Investment Advice!) |
Good morning! |
Today we're briefly recommending two podcast episodes for inputs and inspiration: the latest from Unlimited Opinions, and the latest from the Ben & Marc Show. |
Today we're looking at the first six tercets of Canto 14 in Paradiso, when the movement is changing from words from the 24 souls into the center, and then to Beatrice speaking from the center out to the 24 souls. |
Good morning! |
Today we'll look at 14 tercets in Canto 13 in one go, where St. Thomas explains the specific nature of King Solomon's Wisdom and resolves the Pilgrim's second doubt/question. |
Today we're talking about the early origins of the neural network language models behind chatbots like and ChatGPT in the 1940s and 50s, and how it was declared "dead" in 2012. But then in 2017, it all changed. |
Today we're looking at St. Thomas and his beautiful and evocative description of the Trinity, as Light emenating from a Source, in Love. |
Good Morning! |
Good morning! Today's episode has three parts: |
After a few days of diving deep into the opening of Canto 13, we saw the "Chariot" and North Star this morning, in deep blue beauty and silence. |
Today we're looking at tercet 8 in Canto 13 of Paradiso, and how Dante connects everything in both the material and spiritual realms, through the imagery of a little beautiful river in Tuscany. |
In this episode we're looking at tercet 6 and 7 in Paradiso Canto 13, where Dante concludes a major re-orientation of the Poem and whole Journey, as we now have the necessary "Chariot" built in Canto 10-12. |
Today we're looking at tercet 5 in Canto 13 in Paradiso, which ties together the first 4 tercets into an overall guiding system for our further Journey into Paradiso, and for the spiritual Journey through Life in a bigger sense. |
Commentary on the opening of Canto XIII in Paradiso, "resetting" the story and looking up to the North Star. |